BB&T (Branch Banking and Trust Company) Branches located in Alexandria, VA

Below are a list of branches providing mortgage loans in the city of Alexandria.

Alexandria Main Branch
1717 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Rose Hill Branch
5203 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA 22310

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Hollin Hall Branch
7960 Fort Hunt Road
Alexandria, VA 22308

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Beacon Hill Branch
6618 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22306

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Duke And Washington Branch
300 South Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Van Dorn Branch
233 South Van Dorn Street
Alexandria, VA 22304

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Engleside Plaza Branch
8650 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22309

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Southern Towers Branch
4999 Seminary Road
Alexandria, VA 22311

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Hayfield Branch
7915 Heneska Loop
Alexandria, VA 22315

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Manchester Lakes Branch
7025 A Manchester Blvd
Alexandria, VA 22310

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Del Ray Branch
1901 Mount Vernon Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22301

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

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