North Carolina Cities > Eden
Eden Mortgage Listing

Eden Refinance Mortgage & Home Purchase Mortgage Lenders

ERATE® provides this page to help consumers locate mortgage lenders covering Eden. While our goal is to provide an extensive network of lenders and brokers throughout Eden to make your life easier and get you the best financing we are not responsible for the performance of such lenders. Whenever selecting a mortgage lender be sure to do your own due diligence.

Mortgage Companies

If you're looking for a lower interest rate and a lower monthly payment, refinancing may be the solution. (from

Eden Meadow Greens Main Branch
680 South Van Buren Road
Eden, NC 27288

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

First Citizens offers a wide range of mortgage products.

Eden Branch
231 Kings Highway
Eden, NC 27288

Toll Free: 1.888.323.4732

"We are dedicated professionals who are focused on satisfying our customer's needs now and in the future."

Eden Main Branch
801 South Van Buren Road
Eden, NC 27288

Toll Free: 800.555.5455

"If you have a USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) loan, also known as a Rural Housing Loan, you are eligible for a Streamline Assist refinance home loan." (from

Eden Branch
106 South Van Buren Road
Eden, NC

Toll Free: 800.627.1632

'The Credit Union offers several special mortgage programs and has partnered with the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency and Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta to offer additional programs to assist first-time homebuyers.' (

1004 S Van Buren Rd
Eden, NC 27288

Phone Number: (336) 623-4701
Toll Free: 1-888-886-0083

Are you buying a home, refinancing, or looking for home equity financing? If you're ready to learn about mortgage loans and programs, we're here to help (from

Eden Branch
665 South Van Buren Road
Eden, NC 27288

Toll Free: 1-888-818-9147

  • Branches> 6,000
  • Loan Officers> 40,000
  • Estimated Fundings 2016> 240 billion
  • NMLS Corp #399801

Mortgage / Refinance loans come in various forms and depends on one's credit score, loan type, requested loan amount, property location, points, and amount of equity.

Current Mortgage and Refinance Rates in NC

Logos appearing on this page were obtained from their respective websites by ERATE for the purposes of product comparison or editorial purposes. ERATE is not directly affiliated with or endorsed by the lenders or financial institutions listed here. If you are the owner of the logo and wish for us to remove or change the logo, please contact us.

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