California Cities > West Covina
West Covina Deposit Provider Listing

List of Banks and Institutions Providing Deposits in West Covina, California

ERATE® provides this page to help consumers locate local financial institutions offering Depost/Savings accounts in West Covina. Our goal is to provide an extensive network of sources that offer ways for you to protect, save and grow your assets throughout the West Covina area. We are not responsible for the performance of these financial institutions. Whenever selecting a bank, credit union or other source be sure to do your own due diligence.

Deposit Provider Companies

"Find the CD account to help with your savings goal"

Eastland Branch
2901 Eastland Center Drive
West Covina, CA 91791

Toll Free: 1-800-432-1000

Valinda Branch
1520 East Amar Road
West Covina, CA 91792

Toll Free: 1-800-432-1000

West Covina Branch
150 S. California Avenue
West Covina, CA 91790

Toll Free: 1-800-432-1000

"CDs are a key part of a diversified portfolio. CDs offer a predictable return in exchange for holding your deposit for a fixed time period." (from

401 South Glendora Avenue
West Covina, CA 91790

Toll Free: 1-844-777-2689

"...a safe investment with a fixed interest rate through maturity."

West Convina Branch
2672 East Garvey Avenue South
West Covina, CA 91791

Toll Free: 1-800-9CATHAY

"With a Chase CD, you'll always know exactly what interest rate you'll receive during the term." (from

Azusa And Rowland Branch
455 North Azusa Avenue
West Covina, CA 91791

Toll Free: 1-888-342-4273

Citrus & Workman Bking Ctr Branch
2800 East Workman Avenue
West Covina, CA 91791

Toll Free: 1-888-342-4273

West Covina Branch
100 South Vincent Avenue
West Covina, CA 91790

Toll Free: 1-888-342-4273

"Savings Accounts and CDs - Start saving smarter. Whether you're starting to look at colleges or thinking about retirement, there are accounts for every stage."(from

West Covina Albertsons Branch
2630 East Workman Avenue
West Covina, CA 91791

Toll Free: 1-866-283-8092

"With a Wells Fargo CD, you can enjoy financial security knowing your funds are FDIC-insured up to the maximum allowable limits. Investing in a CD can provide peace of mind whether you're saving for tomorrow, next year's projects, college tuition, or retirement." (from )

Eastland Plaza Branch
100 N. Citrus Street
West Covina, CA 91791

Toll Free: 1-800-869-3557

West Convina Heights Branch
2322 S Azusa Avenue
West Covina, CA 91792

Toll Free: 1-800-869-3557

West Covina Branch
1000 Lakes Drive
West Covina, CA 91790

Toll Free: 1-800-869-3557

Deposits come in various forms depending on one's amount willing to deposit, and length of time willing to invest.

Often, the hardest part of deciding on and purchasing investment options is understanding the process and the terms. It's no different with CDs. Here, we present a glossary of the CD vocabulary to better explain the product and its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Liquidity: In a savings or checking account, your funds are liquid. This means that you can withdraw as needed without penalties. In a CD, you are placing a certain amount of money in a locked fund. It is not liquid, meaning you cannot withdraw funds without penalty.
  • Term: CDs are defined by the amount of time funds are locked, called terms. CDs are available in many different terms, usually ranging from three months to five years. Over the term your funds accrue interest and are not available for withdrawal without penalties. (continued here)

Current CD Rates in CA

Logos appearing on this page were obtained from their respective websites by ERATE for the purposes of product comparison or editorial purposes. ERATE is not directly affiliated with or endorsed by the lenders or financial institutions listed here. If you are the owner of the logo and wish for us to remove or change the logo, please contact us.