Huntington National Bank Branches located in Detroit, MI

Below are a list of branches providing mortgage loans in the city of Detroit.

One Campus Martius Branch
91 Monroe Street
Detroit, MI 48226

Toll Free: 800-480-2265

8 Mile Road Meijer Branch
1307 8 Mile Rd
Detroit, MI 48203

Toll Free: 800-480-2265

Grande River Detroit Meijer Branch
21431 Grand River Ave
Detroit, MI 48219

Toll Free: 800-480-2265

Mexicantown Branch
7760 W. Vernor Highway
Detroit, MI 48209

Toll Free: 800-480-2265

Orchestra Place Branch
3663 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201

Toll Free: 800-480-2265

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