BB&T (Branch Banking and Trust Company) Branches located in Jacksonville, FL

Below are a list of branches providing mortgage loans in the city of Jacksonville.

Saint John's Town Center Main Branch
4781 Town Center Parkway
Jacksonville, FL 32246

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Mandarin Branch
11331 San Jose Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32223

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Ortega Branch
6319 Roosevelt Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32244

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Kendall Town Center Branch
9610 Hutchinson Park Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32225

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Beach Boulevard Branch
14006 Beach Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32250

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Avenues Branch
10625 Philips Hwy
Jacksonville, FL 32256

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Downtown Jacksonville Branch
200 West Forsyth Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

Harbour Village Branch
13443 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32225

Phone Number: 800-BANK-BBT
Toll Free: 888-946-8730

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